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​ Commitment to eating habits

​ ~ Home care ~

  • Same source of medicine and food

The same source of medicine and food, which is an old Japanese four-character idiom. The nutritional value of modern vegetables is much lower than it was 10 years ago. From suggestions for making well-balanced menus to what is good for the environment in which you are growing up, diet recipes for those who want to lose weight, and simple recipes that capture the balance even if you are busy, your body will be delighted. A therapist specializing in nutrition that is essential for easy-to-continue beauty and health will give advice.

  • What is the autonomic nerve?

In modern times, there are many people who lose their autonomic balance from their teens, and some people are wondering which state is well-balanced. Ideally, the sympathetic nerves should move in the morning and the parasympathetic nerves should move before going to bed. If this balance is lost, it may lead to sleep disorders and physical disorders, making it difficult to get tired, getting fat easily, and getting frustrated. It causes various troubles that may affect your life. Autonomic nerve is a word we often hear and is very important. I will give you solid advice so that you can maintain this balance.

  • Blood sugar level / blood pressure

​ An overdose of carbohydrates is common in modern diets. It is a meal that is conscious of the GI value that anyone can easily work on as a diet. A cosmetology specialist with a nutritional qualification will propose meal intake and menus for blood sugar levels. Aim to keep blood vessels flexible by being aware of how blood sugar levels rise, and eliminate spots, wrinkles, and irritability caused by rising blood sugar levels from an unbalanced diet.

  • Body temperature control / immune function

It is said that there are no cancer patients with a body temperature of 37 °. We give advice from lifestyle-related lifestyles that improve body temperature and immunity, taking into consideration the lifestyle-related methods that raise body temperature and the immunity that is destroyed by stress.

  • ​ Physical condition management by dietary balance

Everyone knows that the wait-and-see situation changes depending on the dietary balance, and there are data that the absorption rate of overall nutrition decreases when the dietary balance is lost, and data that causes nerve and social troubles. increase. Imagine what you want to aim for and what kind of 10 years you want to be, and we will guide you during treatments and after-sales counseling.

  • Body mineral balance

The body is made of the same salt concentration of 8% as the sea. There is evidence that it was originally a sea creature. Counseling on the salt concentration and water balance of the daily diet is also important to regulate the mineral concentration in the body. There is a strong connection between the body and skin care. Mineral balance is important not only for the face but also for the skin on the whole body. The PH value varies between men and women, and the PH value also differs from place to place. Please contact us if you are worried about undercare due to mineral balance.

  • Cooking method considering absorption rate ・ Time zone when you want to ingest

Meal time is important to prevent disturbance of the autonomic nerves, to prevent damage to the body line, and to prevent skin irritation from gastrointestinal injuries. There is also a good time to use the biological clock that humans have to pick up good items. In addition, a specialist therapist can provide guidance on cooking methods that are conscious of the absorption rate of nutrients. Please do not hesitate to ask a question.

We hope that you will absorb your beauty knowledge while polishing yourself and make effective use of the limited time you have visited.

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